Through my travel, study and encounters with countless people from different walks of life, this is what I learned about the world!
Everything human (behavior and actions) can be explained by economics (the rational decisions) and behavioral psychology (irrational ones).
You can define an individual from a region based on the following five factors:
Rwanda - focus on call center biz instead of manufacturing exports for a land locked country)
Poor woman in Philippines marrying Nordic retirees
People being warm in poor countries due to poor public safety net (welfare programs etc) and more reliance on social safety/ support from social network
South Africa black empowerment program points for companies from govt after what happened in apartheid
Lot of countries have affirmative action programs
Cultural/ religion
In South America people celebrate Christmas near winter solstice even though Christmas is actually to mark the new sun (winter solstice)
Consumerism in western culture vs savings in eastern
Abortion ban in very catholic countries leading to youngsters having additional financial and emotional burden when they are not yet ready and thus further sinking them down in the poverty spiral
Is there monarchy or democracy or socialism or communism or capitalism
How politician fool their population if they are reasonably good faith-ed or mostly self-centerd
Is the citizenry tolerant or not of their politicians, are they patient for long term development measures)
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